Author and Modern Mystic

Prayer & Meditation



Susan Beilby Magee led the Full Moon Circle of Meditation and Healing at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington DC.
The Cathedral recorded a selection of meditations.

I invite you to follow any of these.
The first three are Covid-related Zoom meditations, and the remaining 11 are audio recordings. 

Covid-19: Clear Fears, Center and Listen” May 11, 2020

Covid’s Losses & Gifts” October 1, 2020

Healing the World” November 2, 2020


Prayer, meditation and visualizations are conversations with the Divine as we understand the “Source of All That Is.”

  1. Prayer is a request or statement of gratitude to the Divine. We may pray for strength, courage, wisdom and understanding.   We may pray for guidance when confused or challenged; healing and wholeness for ourselves and the world. We may also pray to be of service and to fulfill our souls’ purpose. Every thought is a prayer, inviting peace or anger, love or fear.
  2. Meditation is quiet listening and takes many forms:  breathing, chanting, sitting in silence, walking in nature.
    Life itself is a meditation where we may act mindfully in everything we do.
  3. Visualization is an active meditative conversation with our higher self, the Divine and the energy of unconscious memories and emotions held in our bodies. This process allows us to heal old wounds. We may also speak with nature and animal spirits, spirits of those who have passed over and communities of spirits that live in parallel worlds and different dimensions.

The benefits of these practices are peace, understanding, healing, compassion, humility and wholeness. The practices also raise the level of our consciousness, quiet the mind and reduce stress.  Finally, they connect us to our hearts, inner wisdom and the world.
