Bill Hermanson
As I sit by the fireplace in my sister and brother-in-law’s living room in Southern California, I am drawn to the warmth and light of the fire. My beloved brother-in-law, Bill, has had a stroke. After over a month in the hospital, he is now home. Will he recapture enough vitality of body and mind to want to continue to live? What is life? What gives it meaning?
Over the years I would answer: life is about growing, learning, pursuing our dreams; creating family, community, good works; communing with nature, mother earth and the cosmos; and appreciating the cycle of nature and life.
Indeed, life is about all of this. But at my current age it is simply and profoundly about love. I love Bill. I have known him since I was 11. He and my sister, Elena, have been married over 52 years. Bill is a fine man who loves his wife, son Eric and daughter Laura with all his heart. Being present and providing for them have always been his priorities.
What is important now?
Being present with a loving heart; supporting him on this leg of his journey; and respecting his dignity and choices. I now pray and believe that his strong spirit will lead to the recovery of his mobility, strength and vitality so that living has meaning, and we may continue to share our family’s rich history together.
What’s important? LOVE.
Blessings Bill from John, Elizabeth, Natalia and me. Blessings to Elena, Eric and Laura.
Eric, Laura, Elena and Bill
John, Susan and Bill
Bill and John
Family at Thanksgiving