Author and Modern Mystic

Posts Tagged light

“You See, I Want A Lot” – Rainer Marie Rilke

You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything:
the darkness that comes with every infinite fall
and the shivering blaze of every step up.

So many live on and want nothing,
and are raised to the rank of prince
by the slippery ease of their light judgments.

But what you love to see are faces
that do work and feel thirst.

You love most of all those who need you
as they need a crowbar or a hoe.

You have not grown old, and it is not too late
to drive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secret.

Covid-19, I Hear Your Call.

Knowing that there are no coincidences in life, I have been wondering what changes the coronavirus will bring to us and our planet. I believe it invites a huge awakening of consciousness. Recently I sat to meditate and received the following poem.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Be still.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Connect to self.
Connect to others.
Connect to all.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Be at peace.
Listen carefully.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Sit outside.
Hear the birds.
Feel the wind.
Receive the sunlight.
SMILE. Be grateful.
All is well.
All is well.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
See the beauty.
Love yourself.
Know, you are light.
You are the “I Am.”
All is well.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Don’t despair.
Release fears that arise.
Be at peace.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Be grateful.
You are alive.
Your light is certain.
It pervades all.
It is who you are.

Welcome to the human race.
You are not alone.
You are connected to All That Is.
You are connected to every living creature—
humans, animals, birds, fish.

Feel the connection.
Feel the love.
Share it consciously.
This is how you serve.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
I am like the wind, the rain and the sunlight.
I clear fears.
I clear misunderstandings.
I shine light in the dark places.
I wash your wounds with gentle rain.
I blow away energies that no longer serve.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
You are not victims.
You are powerful beings of light.
Let go your fears.
Shine your light.
Share your light, love and peace with the world.
This is who and what you are.
Be it.
Be still and know you are I AM.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
I am not your enemy.
I am your friend.
Come to make you aware of your fears
so you may release them.
Come to slow you down so
you may remember who you are.
Come to invite you to be still.
Come to invite you to be.

Share your light.
Share your love.
Share your peace.
Send them in waves to your family,
your community,
your nation,
your world.
KNOW you are all ONE.

I come to remind you:
You are connected to
everyone and everything—
people, birds, animals, fish;
trees, land, pebbles and giant boulders;
streams, rivers and oceans,
the air you breath,
the stars in the heavens.

You are ancient.
You are in the right place
at the right moment.

There are no coincidences in this world.
Everything that happens has a purpose in your lives.
I am inviting you to awaken your consciousness, your senses.
I am helping you save life on your planet.
Less air/auto travel and material consumption
result in cleaner air and water around the world.
This is the great opportunity to ascend
with Mother Earth to a higher consciousness,
a higher vibration.

Mother Earth is ascending.
Will you raise your vibration too
by releasing fears and dense energies?
I am purposely triggering human fears
so you may cleanse and clear them.

Treasure each other.
Be kind.
Be grateful.
Heal family wounds.
Heal the nation’s wounds.
Pray for all people
Pray to release all resentments and fears.

Ho’ oponopono to all and to Covid-19

There are no coincidences.
Everything is in our lives for a purpose.


New Year Greetings and Blessings

As I sit at my desk this New Year’s Eve, I envision a world at peace. We have the power to manifest and pray for clean air, fertile ground, clean rivers and oceans and peace among women and men on this earth.

I am aware that:

  1. We imprint the earth—its land, air, water—with our energy with each step we take; breath we breathe; word we speak. What imprint do I choose to make? One of love and compassion or one of anger, hate and sorrow?
  2. We are all powerful co-creators with the Divine. Our thoughts create our reality. How may we be kind to those around us and respect the animals, birds and all of nature surrounding us?
  3. Life is a mirror—an invitation to explore our interior landscape to become conscious of what lies beneath the surface so we may wake up and heal ourselves. The universe delivers situations that trigger old beliefs, fears and wounds so we may transform them.
  4. At some level we are all responsible for what is happening in our family, community, nation and world. If I want a peaceful world, I need to become peaceful myself.
  5. We all carry the Divine light within us which we share with all of creation.
  6. Our prayers are powerful. We are magical beings. Join me today as I pray and envision:
    * a world at peace with us respecting each other, recognizing we are all One;
    * a world where we are grateful, wise custodians of Mother Earth, the space that surrounds her, and the universe that is her home.


 In 2020, I will continue the series “Toward Enlightenment”
for the Circles of Meditation and Healing at the Washington National Cathedral.
Dates are 5/11; 10/1; 11/2

Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity

Bodhisattva Prayer for All Humanity

“May I be a guard for those who need protection,
a guide for those on the path,
a boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood.
May I be a lamp in the darkness,
a resting place for the weary,
a healing medicine for all who are sick,
a vase of plenty, a tree of miracles.
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings,
may I bring sustenance and awakening,
enduring like the earth and sky
until all beings are freed from sorrow
and all are awakened.”

– Shantideva, Indian Buddhist sage 700 A.D.

The prayer reminds me: 

  1. We each carry within the bodhisattva of compassion when we help another and approach challenges with compassion rather than fear and anger. 
  2. What matters most is how we are in the world. 
  3. Our journey is one of continual awakening if we chose it to be. 

May this prayer guide us throughout this new year — 2018. 

Blessings, Susan