Author and Modern Mystic

Posts Tagged love

Covid-19, I Hear Your Call.

Knowing that there are no coincidences in life, I have been wondering what changes the coronavirus will bring to us and our planet. I believe it invites a huge awakening of consciousness. Recently I sat to meditate and received the following poem.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Be still.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Connect to self.
Connect to others.
Connect to all.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Be at peace.
Listen carefully.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Sit outside.
Hear the birds.
Feel the wind.
Receive the sunlight.
SMILE. Be grateful.
All is well.
All is well.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
See the beauty.
Love yourself.
Know, you are light.
You are the “I Am.”
All is well.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Don’t despair.
Release fears that arise.
Be at peace.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
Be grateful.
You are alive.
Your light is certain.
It pervades all.
It is who you are.

Welcome to the human race.
You are not alone.
You are connected to All That Is.
You are connected to every living creature—
humans, animals, birds, fish.

Feel the connection.
Feel the love.
Share it consciously.
This is how you serve.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
I am like the wind, the rain and the sunlight.
I clear fears.
I clear misunderstandings.
I shine light in the dark places.
I wash your wounds with gentle rain.
I blow away energies that no longer serve.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
You are not victims.
You are powerful beings of light.
Let go your fears.
Shine your light.
Share your light, love and peace with the world.
This is who and what you are.
Be it.
Be still and know you are I AM.

Covid-19, I hear your call.
I am not your enemy.
I am your friend.
Come to make you aware of your fears
so you may release them.
Come to slow you down so
you may remember who you are.
Come to invite you to be still.
Come to invite you to be.

Share your light.
Share your love.
Share your peace.
Send them in waves to your family,
your community,
your nation,
your world.
KNOW you are all ONE.

I come to remind you:
You are connected to
everyone and everything—
people, birds, animals, fish;
trees, land, pebbles and giant boulders;
streams, rivers and oceans,
the air you breath,
the stars in the heavens.

You are ancient.
You are in the right place
at the right moment.

There are no coincidences in this world.
Everything that happens has a purpose in your lives.
I am inviting you to awaken your consciousness, your senses.
I am helping you save life on your planet.
Less air/auto travel and material consumption
result in cleaner air and water around the world.
This is the great opportunity to ascend
with Mother Earth to a higher consciousness,
a higher vibration.

Mother Earth is ascending.
Will you raise your vibration too
by releasing fears and dense energies?
I am purposely triggering human fears
so you may cleanse and clear them.

Treasure each other.
Be kind.
Be grateful.
Heal family wounds.
Heal the nation’s wounds.
Pray for all people
Pray to release all resentments and fears.

Ho’ oponopono to all and to Covid-19

There are no coincidences.
Everything is in our lives for a purpose.



“Apply to be the Seattle Mayor’s Women’s Rights Director,” John said. “Apply for the White House Fellowship. We’ll see what I do if you win.” “To write Kalman Aron’s story, you must go to Europe and walk in his footsteps.” And when I told John in 1986 that I wanted to quit working for a year, he said: “Fine.” Neither of us knew that I was embarking on a spiritual journey that would lead to becoming a healer, mystic and author. John refers to me as his “surprise package.”

December 23, 2019 John and I celebrated 50 years of marriage. We are deeply grateful to Emily and Raj Madan for hosting a beautiful dinner celebration in their home in Washington, DC. We had such a good time, we hosted a smaller celebration in January in La Jolla, California.

I remember at age 17 meeting this young man as I was walking to my dorm one evening at Pomona College. He smiled; we chatted briefly; later that year we began
dating. Six years later we married.

At Pomona, we spent many evenings talking about religion, philosophy and civil rights. As International Relations majors, we discussed world politics, history and current affairs. These talks were the beginning of a life-long conversation that continues today.

Early in our relationship and marriage, I realized 3 things. John loved me just the way I was—silly or smart; beautifully or casually dressed. He had a deep well of love and capacity to express it.  And he was secure in who he was. There was nothing I might ever do in my career that would be a threat to his ego. On the contrary, he has been my biggest cheerleader.

What has enabled us to navigate 50 years together?
We love each other, and we are committed to our marriage…through challenging as well as fun times.

We created family when our beautiful daughter, Elizabeth, was born 37 years ago. She has been our focus and joy. She in turn gave us the gift of our granddaughter, Natalia, who delights and completes our family circle.

Our marriage is a partnership. We have brainstormed individual and collective wishes, enabling us to manifest our dreams. For example, in the early 1970s we spent a weekend together at John’s parents’ cabin on Puget Sound to talk about our hearts’ desires.  John wanted his own law firm; I wanted to be paid for the work I was doing in the women’s movement. Within 3 months, he had his firm, Norman and Magee, and I was the Mayor’s Women’s Rights Director. Our continuing conversations have kept us in sync so we recognize new opportunities and can act on them.

We have also given each other the freedom to explore our interests. We each pursued a masters degree after we married…John at Georgetown Law School, me at The Wharton School in Philadelphia.  John has supported my dive into metaphysical experiences; I have supported his career in corporate federal income tax law.

I admire John’s personal qualities. His intelligence is a pleasure to engage. His generosity knows no bounds. I love the integrity he carries in every cell of his body. I respect his discipline and am grateful for the abundance he has created for this family.

Author Joseph Campbell said that a marriage creates a unity, a whole, that is greater than the individual parts. John and I have always been committed to that unity. No marriage is perfect. It is an exquisite mirror that reveals/triggers our unconscious wounds. We each have the choice to heal what is inside. “It’s an inside job” is a good mantra for a successful marriage.

Fifty years later we are playful with each other and grateful for our family and friends. The hard work over the years has paid off. We intend to stay healthy and enjoy being together, doing everyday mundane things as well as undertaking new adventures. We want to spend time with our family and friends; make new friends; harvest memories; and share what we have learned. I will continue my healing work and plan to write several new books. John still works, but the time will come….

I conclude with a toast to John:
I love you and honor you.
You are a man of great spirit, integrity and wisdom.
I thank you for loving me and being my partner in life.



The Beatles Got It Right

Bill Hermanson

As I sit by the fireplace in my sister and brother-in-law’s living room in Southern California, I am drawn to the warmth and light of the fire. My beloved brother-in-law, Bill, has had a stroke. After over a month in the hospital, he is now home. Will he recapture enough vitality of body and mind to want to continue to live? What is life? What gives it meaning?

Over the years I would answer: life is about growing, learning, pursuing our dreams; creating family, community, good works; communing with nature, mother earth and the cosmos; and appreciating the cycle of nature and life.

Indeed, life is about all of this. But at my current age it is simply and profoundly about love. I love Bill. I have known him since I was 11. He and my sister, Elena, have been married over 52 years. Bill is a fine man who loves his wife, son Eric and daughter Laura with all his heart. Being present and providing for them have always been his priorities.

What is important now?

Being present with a loving heart; supporting him on this leg of his journey; and respecting his dignity and choices. I now pray and believe that his strong spirit will lead to the recovery of his mobility, strength and vitality so that living has meaning, and we may continue to share our family’s rich history together.

What’s important? LOVE.

Blessings Bill from John, Elizabeth, Natalia and me. Blessings to Elena, Eric and Laura.

Eric, Laura, Elena and Bill


John, Susan and Bill


Bill and John


Family at Thanksgiving