Author and Modern Mystic

Posts Tagged susan beilby magee

“You See, I Want A Lot” – Rainer Marie Rilke

You see, I want a lot.
Perhaps I want everything:
the darkness that comes with every infinite fall
and the shivering blaze of every step up.

So many live on and want nothing,
and are raised to the rank of prince
by the slippery ease of their light judgments.

But what you love to see are faces
that do work and feel thirst.

You love most of all those who need you
as they need a crowbar or a hoe.

You have not grown old, and it is not too late
to drive into your increasing depths
where life calmly gives out its own secret.

Message from Africa

An African living in the United States said: “It’s so noisy. How do you hear God?”

After spending 14 days in the bush in Tanzania with my granddaughter, I understand what he meant. We felt the presence of the divine in the land, the sunrises and sunsets; we heard it in the songs of the birds; and we felt it in the natural rhythm and interaction of the animals.

Being there was like being on a different planet. It changed our lives. How?

This trip awakened my senses. I listened carefully for the calls of the leopard, hyena and lion. I awoke in my tent to a symphony of birds singing as night turned into day. I scanned the horizon to spot hyenas moving in the grass. I searched trees for lions resting in the branches. I checked tree tops to spot vultures or eagles perched above.

We had the privilege of watching 3 crossings of the wildebeest over the Mara River in the northern Serengeti. Each year about 1.5 million wildebeest migrate from the south to the north on the Serengeti plain. They have been doing this for thousands of years. Words cannot explain how it felt watching 2,000 wildebeests gather on one side of the river, talking to each other with their distinctive sounds. All of a sudden one jumped into the river; most of the others followed, swimming quickly to the other side.


We saw in action the cycle of life. A lion catches its prey–a giraffe. At a distance, the hyenas watch to see when the lion’s belly is full. As they take their turn eating the animal, the Maribou storks and vultures gather to finish eating the carcass. Nature is very efficient.

We felt a deep connection to Mother Earth and all the living creatures on her. Over the landscape we enjoyed seeing a variety of trees:  the signature acacia trees, the ancient baobab trees, sausage trees and euphorbio.

We will never forget the images we saw at the end of the day at the  Silale swamp in the  Tarangire National Park. Buffalo, hippos and elephants soaked in the water to cool themselves.

The first afternoon we quietly watched the cape buffalo emerge from the water.  We returned to the swamp the next afternoon and saw the elephants emerge.  Enjoy these videos.

I communicated telepathically with the animals, asking what messages they had for us humans. One lion responded: “Activate your senses. Wake up to the beauty that surrounds you. Be grateful for Mother Earth and all her creatures, large and small.”

The leopard said: “Spend time alone in nature. Sit as I do in a tree or someplace high where you can view the world around you. Know that you have everything you need within yourself.”I realized these animals have lived on this earth far longer than humans. Elephants, for example, have been here for 5 million years; humans for maybe 200,000. Who is wiser?

While we were there, I worked with the land, animals and birds, blessing all and activating light grids and DNA codes. Alex Walker, the owner of the Serian camp, said: “Nature reveals itself and gifts those who spend time with her.” We experienced peace, connection, belonging. We are not separate. We are one.

Indeed, we are the students who may learn from nature and the animals.  We can change our behavior before life is no longer sustainable on Mother Earth. In Tanzania I could sense the sheer numbers of people​ encroaching on the land.  It is incredibly sad that these beautiful animals who evolved over thousands of years are becoming extinct.  For example, our guide, James, told us that an elephant is killed every 15 minutes; the swift cheetahs are extinct in 22 countries, and only 17% of their range remains in this world.  We know black rhinos are scarce; giraffes are threatened.  And of course, there are far fewer lions roaming Africa than there were 100 years ago.

What can we do? I can stop using plastic bottles, bags and straws. I can donate to a non-profit to plant trees to offset the carbon imprint of each flight I take. I can return to Africa and the animals in my daily meditations. And I can share what I have learned. A lion asked me to write a book about my conversations with the animals. I said, “Yes, I will do that.”


THANKS TO JAMES KYDD, our insightful, knowledgeable safari guide.  A man of great spirit, James respectfully introduced us to the landscape, birds, animals and people in Tanzania.  We had a delightful time together on this “trip of a lifetime”.   I also thank him for the photos and videos; all are his except the first one, the baobab tree and the elephant video at Silale swamp.

THANKS TO MICHAEL LORENTZ, Founding Partner of Passage to Africa, who arranged our itinerary and introduced us to James Kydd.  Michael introduced John and me to Tanzania in 2010.


Circle of Meditation and Healing 2019 Series: Toward Enlightenment

The full-moon Circle of Meditation and Healing at the Washington National Cathedral is led by Susan Beilby Magee. It is a continuing series to connect with our wisdom within. It is held in the Bethlehem Chapel.
All spiritual seekers are welcome. No experience is necessary.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019, 7:00pm  Replace Judgment with Compassion
How do we free ourselves of judgment and vengeful instincts so we may experience more love and compassion? Mystic/healer SUSAN BEILBY MAGEE guides a full-moon meditation to explore what it means to be enlightened and walk in our radiance. 

Thursday, May 16, 7:00pm  Replace Intolerance with Wisdom
How do we remove intolerance so we may enjoy the fruits of wisdom and understanding? Mystic/healer SUSAN BEILBY MAGEE guides a full-moon meditation to explore what it means to be enlightened and walk in our radiance.  

Thursday, September 12, 7:00pm  Replace Arrogance with Humility
How do we replace duplicity and arrogance with honor and humility? Mystic/healer SUSAN BEILBY MAGEE guides a full-moon meditation to explore what it means to be enlightened and  walk in our radiance.

Thursday, October 14, 7:00pm Release Fears / Embrace Courage 
How do we release fears and replace them with strength and courage? Mystic/healer SUSAN BEILBY MAGEE leads a full-moon meditation to explore what it means to be enlightened and walk in our radiance.

Tuesday, November 12, 7:00pm Surrender Ego / Embrace Light 
What does it mean to be enlightened?  How do we surrender our ego and let our heart and soul guide our lives?  Mystic/healer SUSAN BEILBY MAGEE guides a full-moon meditation to experience who we truly are. 


Circle of Meditation and Healing: Coming Home Within Ourselves

Wednesday, November 7, 2018: 7pm
Join Susan Beilby Magee at the Washington National Cathedral’s Circle of Meditation and Healing to explore what it means to be “at home” within ourselves. What is at the center of our being? How do we find it? What are the rewards of “being home”?




Circle of Meditation and Healing: Coming Home to Family

In the 2018 Full Moon Circle of Meditation and Healing series at the Washington National Cathedral, Susan Beilby Magee guides us to explore what it means to “come home and be present” within ourselves, our families, the cosmos and Mother Earth.

Tuesday, September 25, 7pm
“Coming Home to Family”

Join mystic/healer Susan Beilby Magee as she leads a meditation to explore relationships within family:  How do I define family? What ancestral legacies challenge me? How do I heal, embrace and nurture my family? What vision for my family do I wish to manifest?

All spiritual seekers are welcome. No experience is necessary.

The Circle of Meditation and Healing is a continuing series to connect with our wisdom within. It is held in St. Joseph’s Chapel.

The next Circle date is 10/24: “COMING HOME WITHIN OURSELVES”

Circle of Meditation and Healing 2018: Coming Home Within the Cosmos

In the 2018 Full Moon Circle of Healing and Meditation series at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington D.C., Susan Beilby Magee will lead an exploration of what it means to “come home and be present” within ourselves, our families, the cosmos and Mother Earth.

Next Circle
TUESDAY, MAY 29, 7-9pm
“Coming Home within the Cosmos”

“The entire universe is inside of you.” – Sufi poet Rumi

Join mystic/healer Susan Beilby Magee as she leads a visualization to explore the universe within, what it means and what it enables us to do.
All spiritual seekers are welcome. No experience is necessary.

The Circle of Healing and Meditation is a continuing series to connect with our wisdom within.
It is held in St. Joseph’s Chapel.
$13 in advance; $15 at the door

The next circles are:
Tuesday, September 25: Coming Home Within Our Families
Wednesday, October 24: Coming Home Within Ourselves

Memories Swirl; Gratitude Flows…

Photo courtesy Glendale College via Twitter

My high-school sweetheart, Chuck Arrobio, died this month. (Link to his obituary is below.) We spent 4 years of our young lives together in high school and early college. Chuck was a fine young man, a leader and a gifted athlete who would become an All-American football player for USC and then pro-player for the Minnesota Vikings. Our relationship was sweet, innocent and balanced. It provided a wonderful anchor for us both.

His passing has triggered a flood of memories. At Glendale High School I remember his meeting me after a class at my locker to carry my books to my next class. I watched him play football every Friday night in the fall. I smiled when he purchased and restored a blue 1932 Ford Model T. We attended proms together, including our senior prom when I had a cast on my arm after breaking my wrist falling off a skim board at Laguna Beach. We also shared a beautiful evening with friends at our senior party in Beverly Hills where the Lettermen sang.

Chuck took me to my first Shakespeare play in Hollywood; the Greek Theatre to hear Johnny Mathis sing; and the Hollywood Bowl to listen to the USC song fest. In college I watched him play football in the Coliseum, attended his Sigma Chi parties and had my first glass of champagne at a fancy USC party.

Chuck and Susan at Senior Prom, 1962

We were also together one evening that changed my life. As we arrived home from a date one Saturday night, we were told that my father had killed himself. I will be forever grateful for his kindness and help that evening and during the ensuing days.

Chuck was proud of his Italian heritage; family was always paramount to him. I fondly recall extended family gatherings in the local park where the men played bocce ball as the women chatted and the children played.

Susan with Ann Arrobio

This past weekend I had a wonderful visit with his lovely wife, Margit, at their home in Pasadena. I met his younger daughter, Pia, who looks like her father, Pia’s fiancé and 2 of his grandchildren. I also had the privilege of visiting his mother, Ann, whom I had not seen for 52 years.   An extraordinary woman, she lives in the same house where Chuck and his sister Carol grew up. I told Margit and Ann that I was deeply grateful for the relationship I had with Chuck.

We went our separate ways later in college. But what a rich and meaningful time we shared.

Chuck’s death reminds me how important it is to connect with people we have loved in the past. I am grateful that I called him last summer to get together to thank him for the gifts of our relationship. I suspect at first he wondered what I was doing, but he quickly relaxed, and we talked about our history together and our current lives and families.

With his passing it is important to remember the times we shared; look at old photos; visit his family and talk with my high school friends who also knew him well. We all grew up together, and one more of us has passed.

THANK YOU, Chuck, for the times we shared. Blessings to your family and your spirit as it begins a new journey.

Read Chuck Arrobio’s obituary.

Senior party (Chuck and Susan seated at center), 1962


© Susan Beilby Magee, 2018. All Rights Reserved.

Workshop with Susan Beilby Magee: Conversation with Your Soul

with Susan Beilby Magee

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 10am – 3pm

Meet your Higher Self, the Divine spark, and ask:

What is my soul’s purpose?
How do I pursue it?
What limits my ability to manifest it?

Within each of us lies the Wise One who can answer every question we have. Meet your Higher Self;
learn how to communicate; and discover concrete actions to pursue your passion and fulfill your mission.


Admission: $50
Location: Bethlehem Chapel, Washington National Cathedral

For the past 3 decades Susan Beilby Magee has practiced the healing arts. A certified hypnotherapist and meditation teacher, she leads Circles of Meditation and Healing at the Cathedral, guiding participants into quiet realms to seek healing and find peace. Magee was instrumental in bringing healing prayer to Cathedral Crossroads and continues to volunteer as a healing minister on Crossroads evenings. She practices various forms of meditation, visualization, hypnotherapy and energy healing. One chapter in her spiritual journey culminated with the publication of her book in 2012, Into the Light: The Healing Art of Kalman Aron, a profound story of the personal alchemy of an artist and Holocaust survivor she met at age six.

Susan Beilby Magee’s career spans diverse realms of politics, economics and spirituality. A leader of the women’s movement and director of the Mayor’s Office of Women’s Rights in Seattle, she moved to Washington, D.C., when President Ford appointed her a White House Fellow. Magee held policy and executive positions in the U.S. Treasury and Commerce Departments and later served as an international business consultant. Having earned an MBA from the Wharton School and a BA from Pomona College, she has served on numerous boards of directors.

Circle of Meditation and Healing 2017 Events

All events take place at the Washington National Cathedral in Washington, DC.


The full-moon Circle of Meditation and Healing at the Washington National Cathedral is led by Susan Beilby Magee.
It is a continuing series of meditations that explores personal mastery in all realms of life.
All spiritual seekers are welcome. No experience is necessary.
Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 per session payable at the door.
Click on “learn more” below to be directed to the Washington National Cathedral’s ticketing pages.


We live in challenging times.  In the 2017 Full Moon Circle of Healing and Meditation, we will practice spiritual exercises that help us stay centered, clear and focused on our vision for the world.  In this sacred space, Susan Magee will lead visualizations and teach practices to ground ourselves and be fully present in our personal power; bring our values into focus; clarify our purpose and path; and work collaboratively with others.

Monday, March 13, 7:00pm
“Staying Centered”
In challenging times, how do we stay centered, release fears and be fully present in all our power? Join Susan Beilby Magee in this sacred circle as she guides us to the still point within and teaches us to listen to our own wisdom.

Wednesday, May 10, 7:00pm
“Bringing Your Values into Focus”
What are my values; how am I honoring them; and what activities are not in alignment with them? Join Susan Beilby Magee in this sacred circle as she helps us clarify and manifest what is most important to us.

Thursday, October 5, 7:00pm
“Finding Your Path”
What is my most important goal at this time? What are the obstacles and how do I remove them? How do I transform negative thinking into positive realities? Join Susan Beilby Magee in this sacred circle as she shows us how to find a clear path at this time.

Thursday, November 2, 7:00pm
“Working in Community”
What is my vision for this world? How may I manifest it? Join Susan Beilby Magee as she leads us to explore how we express our values and collaborate to create a better world.