Author and Modern Mystic

Life is a Pilgrimage

Nautilus-500pxWhat does it mean to heal…to make ourselves whole?
Are we just talking about healing the physical body or healing the body, heart, mind and soul? On this site, I want to share the experience I have had in answering these questions.

Life is a pilgrimage. Our spirit enters this free will planet and brings with it certain gifts, challenges, passions and purpose. Our soul knows why it is here. When we are born, a veil slips into place between the visible and invisible worlds, and we cognitively forget the reasons we came. But the body remembers. It stores deeply within our ancestral heritage, soul history, beliefs and soul’s purpose. Throughout our life’s journey, we may choose to become aware of all that we are and believe. We may choose to wake up to our infinite possibilities and soul’s passion.

The question is: how awake do we wish to be?


© Susan Beilby Magee, 2015. All Rights Reserved.


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